The seeds we love to eat, and the ways they love us back

Flax Seeds:

Known for their high fiber content, which can improve digestive health and keep you regular, flax is commonly taken as a supplement rather than enjoyed as a food. It’s a shame really, because the seeds themselves are quite tasty! Flax seeds have a hard, smooth outer coat that helps them pass through your system undigested if they aren’t properly ground before eating. However, in milled form they offer a whole smorgasbord of nutrients. These include omega-3 fatty acids (shown to have heart-healthy effects), lignans (phytoestrogens with anti-inflammatory properties), polyunsaturated fats, antioxidants, plant-based protein, and of course, fiber. Studies have shown that eating flax seeds may also help lower total and LDL cholesterol levels, which can reduce the risk of heart disease.

Such a little seed, so much to love!

Pumpkin Seeds:

Also known as “pepitas”, pumpkin seeds are nutritious, delicious and their olive-green color is simply beautiful. Pumpkin seeds naturally bring a lot of important nutrients to the table - magnesium (aiding in heart & bone health), zinc (an antioxidant & anti-inflammatory agent), and tryptophan (an amino acid that can help you sleep better) to name a few. They are one of the best plant-based sources of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which has been shown to protect the body against artery hardening and inflammation. Pumpkin seeds may also be beneficial for management of menopause symptoms, with at least one study concluding that eating pumpkin seeds can decrease the severity of hot flashes, headaches and joint pain. Plus they are rich in iron and copper - essential minerals that enable our muscles, nerves and hormones to function properly.

Keep this list of pumpkin seed benefits in mind before composting your jack-o-lantern guts next Halloween!

Sunflower Seeds:

On a late summer drive through rural farmland you might catch a glimpse of something truly magnificent - big, beautiful sunflowers loaded with nutrient-dense seeds! Sunflower seeds are chock-full of vitamins and minerals like selenium (protects against cell damage), vitamin E (strong anti-inflammatory properties), vitamin B6 (supports cognitive development & function), phosphorus (essential for bone health), folate (helps form DNA and RNA), and zinc (supports metabolism and immune function). The seeds are also rich in magnesium, a mineral most Americans don’t get enough of, which can help lower blood pressure, improve blood sugar control and reduce the risk of heart disease. Oh and they have a lot of fiber, protein and healthy fats too!

Gorgeous flowers + great tasting & nutritious seeds = a pretty fantastic plant.

Sesame Seeds:

Commonly featured in Asian and Middle Eastern cuisines, these mighty seeds can be enjoyed whole, ground in to a paste (tahini), or as a rich & nutty oil. In addition to their culinary versatility, sesame seeds offer a wide array of health benefits. The little white and black gems are rich in unsaturated fats, protein, vitamins, minerals & fiber. Like flax seeds, sesame seeds contain lignans which may have anti-cancer and cholesterol lowering effects. Sesame seeds are also a good source of calcium & magnesium (linked to better blood pressure control), plus they contain high concentrations of phytoestrogens (supporting balanced estrogen levels, which may counteract PMS and menopause symptoms).

Add some ground sesame seeds to your next salad to help absorb fat-soluble phytonutrients in the greens, or enjoy them with any other dish for a boost of flavor and essential nutrition!